I love sriracha ! This is my go-to tofu marinade/sauce, and it is more protocol than recipe. Thin it down with water and it makes an excellent marinade for tofu or your meat of choice. Skip the water and cook down, and the result is an excellent barbecue-type sauce.
1 part sriracha (cock sauce)
2 parts apple cider vinegar
2 parts maple syrup
Ground cloves (lots)
Ground pepper (less)
Ginger (if you like)
Salt (to taste, but only if using as a marinade. Sriracha does have a bunch of salt in it already)
For a marinade: Mix up a quantity to cover your protein. Pull tofu or meat out and cook up in skillet or on the grill. If and *only* if used for tofu, may cook down marinade into sauce. (So many germs in meat...)
For sauce: Simmer on stove in saucepan over medium-low heat until thick and syrupy. Should be pretty quick.
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